By Treasurer Clay Myers
September 4, 2011

This year, the Gamber & Community Fire Co. is taking the important step needed to replace our oldest and most heavily used pumper, Engine 134. The current engine is a 1999 Pierce Sabre and it has over 47,000 miles.

This is the engine that responds first to all calls outside of our immediate area, so it runs most frequently. Our new apparatus committee has examined many vehicles, spoken with different manufacturers, created a list of specifications, and sent out bids. After much deliberation and hard work by the committee and its members, the fire company has signed a contract with Atlantic Emergency Solutions, Inc. and Pierce Manufacturing, Inc., to build a new engine. The new engine committee was chaired by Chief Engineer, Chuck Doyle. Delivery is expected to be in March or April 2012.

This is a very large purchase and our annual Fall letter drive (coming in late September) will focus on soliciting funds to pay for this new apparatus. As you may know, capital purchases such as new engines made by the company are not funded by the county, so we rely solely on fundraising and donations. Your support when the letter arrives will be greatly appreciated. You can also make a direct donation using the link to the left on our home page "Make a Donation." You can designate this for the New Engine. Once again, your assistance and support is greatly appreciated!

The current Engine 134 will be sold. Some new engine specifications:

Stainless Steel Body
1000 gallon water capacity tank
1500 GPM pump
6 man cab
side and rear mounted cameras
full frontal air bags