
Tuesday BINGO Mailer

Gun BINGO Mailer

Community Events
Gun Bingo

Breakfast with the Easter Bunny

Touch A Truck

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2025 Incidents
Fire EMS Dive
Jan 86 109 1
Feb 53 114 3
Total 139 223 4

Past Incidents
Fire EMS Dive
2024 605 1062 10
2023 652 1092 15
2022 611 1266 8
2021 480 1114 17
2020 422 770 15
2019 453 809 14
2018 445 889 37
2017 478 936 11
2016 401 938 13
2015 441 940 15
2014 439 850 19
2013 390 773 12
2012 369 825 9
2011 383 698 36

Web Counters
Website Visitors
April 14, 2005
Visitors Today
Mar 24, 2025

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Signed on March 20, 2021 at 11:48 AM
Name: Justin Bishop
Rank/Title: Realtor
Web Address:
Location: Gamber, MD

Thank you for all that you do for our community! I'm proud to call this place home and keep up the good work!

Signed on November 02, 2019 at 1:08 AM
Name: Sam
Web Address:

Thank you so much for your service as firefighters and all you do for your community!

Signed on October 06, 2018 at 8:11 AM
Name: Randy Coolbaugh
Location: Ithaca NY.

Randy here from Ithaca NY, thought I would drop you a line on the whereabouts of your retired brush truck #138. She is leading a good life in retirement. now as a daily driver during the summer, going to local car shows and parades. still turning heads and winning trophies. I have dun little to the truck, I did however have new "highway" gears installed, so cruising along at 50 is much easier. I did replace those door mirrors with west coast mirrors and I did have stacks made and installed. I do have pix and video on my FB page if anybody would to stop in and take a look. Cheers, Randy

Signed on April 18, 2017 at 9:32 AM
Name: Phyllis B

I just would like to commend a firefighter of yours named Dylan. This young man was on his way to work yesterday, stopped and helped me change my tire, I offered him money but he politely refused. Little did I know I would see him again later that day. He works for a ambulance company and came to pick up my mom and transfer her to a rehabilitation center. We talked and he stated he is also a volunteer firefighter and lives at the station. I used to be a volunteer in PA and we always strived to get live in members and dedicated people just like Dylan. He provided my mother with awesome care and is just an all around great guy with a kind heart.


Signed on March 22, 2017 at 10:06 AM
Name: Bruce
Web Address:

Good luck in your search for volunteers!
You guys are the best!!!

Signed on December 13, 2016 at 12:12 PM
Name: Paul Beckingham
Rank/Title: Retired Captain
Web Address:
Location: Toronto

Hi guys I was on you site quite a few years back and decided to drop in again...keep up the good work be safe and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Please feel free to drop by my Fire and Ems art site and sign the guestbook

Signed on July 13, 2014 at 1:37 PM
Name: Carole Snuka
Web Address:
Location: New Jersey

Hello, I came across your site while researching my family tree. My Aunt Anna Foley born in New York in 1900 married Lawrence Fredrick Gamber , born in Carroll MD in 1900. I heard that the town was named after him or his family. His Parents were Albert and Ella. Does anyone have any knowledge of the towns history or could someone direct me to a website. I plan to visit the area in August . I would love to meet some of my cousins!

Signed on November 14, 2013 at 9:53 PM
Name: Jennifer Mills
Location: Gamber, MD

Of the hundreds of times I have visited your website over the years, I cannot believe I never came across your guestbook!

I have lived in Carroll County virtually my whole life; in Gamber, very near the firehouse, for about half. Even as an adult, I make sure I'm around when Santa comes through my neighborhood on the firetruck! And every time I hear the sirens go off at the station, I say a prayer and a thank you for all of the volunteers.

My main reason for signing the guestbook is to say thank you; and I apologize for it taking so long for me to do so. On August 3, 2005, I was involved in a head on collision in front of the Calvary United Methodist Church on route 91. That was easily the scariest event of my life, but everyone I interacted with that night from both Gamber and Sykesville VFDs were so professional, gentle, and compassionate. Having been as scared and disoriented as I was, you helped to quell my anxiety and, when my parents arrived on scene, ensured that they knew they're only child was ok and in more than capable hands. I was flown to Shock Trauma and I had to overcome some challenging obstacles, but I have made virtually a full recovery, almost 10 years later.

Words cannot express my gratitude, not only to those who helped to save me that night, but to all of the volunteers with Gamber VFD and to volunteers in general. You provide a truly selfless service to your community and I will forever be in awe of that.

Thank you and stay safe!

Signed on March 20, 2013 at 6:51 PM
Name: Barbara Kearns
Rank/Title: Mrs.
Location: Hanover, PA

Thank heavens for a fire department like yours. I was a long-time resident of Carroll County MD since 1948. until moving to Hanover, PA in 2001.
Back in the 50's, my sister & I helped at the Reese VFD suppers, including their Oyster & Ham dinners, which, at the time, were the best in the area. When they discontinued, Gamber took up the slack. Along with my family members living in Carroll County, my husband & I travel twice a year to Gamber VFD to attend the Oyster & Ham dinners. We especially enjoyed coming from church to attend the Palm Sunday dinner. Now, I am unhappuy to see that you are not having the Oyster & Ham dinner this Palm Sunday, nor did you have the one in the Fall. Many of us, who are now up in years, are not ones to frequent dances where there is alcohol, although we do enjoy the carnicals & VFD dinners. Please reconsider having your Oyster & Ham dinners & make many seniors ahppy again! Especially my husband & me! Often times , there were people from as far away as eastern Baltimore County, Frederick, & us from Hanover, PA attending. Please, please, please.

Signed on December 14, 2012 at 9:17 PM
Name: Grubb

Thanks Santa for coming around on the fire truck pass our house, we love watching for you each year ! I hope you have some hot coffee or hot chocolate now !! Thanks again !!!!!!!

Signed on October 30, 2012 at 7:22 PM
Name: Dale Lowman
Location: New Windsor

I just wanted to say thanks for being at our Fun At The Firehouse Day.With your help(2 Days before Sandy the Superstorm) it was a huge success. Again THANKS and if I could do anything to help you just call

Signed on July 05, 2012 at 4:03 PM
Name: Daniel W Zepp

I remember being in 3rd grade at Mechanicsville Elementary School back in 1973 and having Gamber bring a truck and dog out for fire prevention week. Back then you were in the old firehouse at the intersection of 91 and 32, across from Ford's Store.

Signed on June 02, 2012 at 4:53 PM
Name: Stacy Maczis
Location: Taneytown, MD

I just wanted to thanks to the Gamber fire dept. I had an accident back in 1998 and was suprised to see the pic of my truck is still in your gallery(page2, 16 of 20,red bronco). That could have been the worst day of my life if not for Gamber and the other fire depts. My husband, boyfriend at the time was flown to Hopkins critically injured. I thank god every day that there are people in this world like your fire fighters and paramedics who saved his life that night. Your company was nothing short of amazing! Again thank you so very much

Signed on March 13, 2011 at 3:59 PM
Name: Chuck
Web Address:
Location: Connecticut

Very nice site. Keep up the great work!

Signed on January 23, 2011 at 8:55 PM
Name: Jack Mould
Rank/Title: Corporal-Howard County Police
Location: Westminster

Keep up the good work, guys. It's great to know you are there if we need you!

Signed on July 14, 2010 at 7:52 PM
Name: Patrick Cuffe
Rank/Title: Lieutenant-EMS
Location: Thurmont

I like your website. Is always filled with interesting photos, etc... Check back periodically to see if there is anything new. Keep up the good work.

Signed on May 29, 2010 at 3:18 PM
Name: Jeff Gamber
Rank/Title: Liquid Hydrogen Distribution
Location: New Orleans, La.

I often check your web site. Makes me feel like I am back home. Born and raised in West Friendship, but have been living in NOLA for quite a while now. Anyway I can get a Gamber Fire Department patch? Though i never spent time at your station i practictly grew up at station 3 in W. Friendship where my unle Larry Gamber was a volunteer. I am very proud of the Gamber name. Thanks.

Jeff Gamber
110 Whiperwood Blvd.
Slidell, La. 70458

Signed on March 06, 2010 at 6:07 PM
Rank/Title: firefighter
Location: france

i am firefighter to france
and i collect the fire patchs of the world
and i want the patch of your fire service
i give my adress :



Signed on January 08, 2010 at 12:22 PM
Name: Deme Wood
Location: Finksburg

Our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Boomer. May you find another dog to fill the void in your hearts.

Signed on November 26, 2009 at 9:21 PM
Name: ryan lindner
Rank/Title: FF/EMT
Web Address:

like the web site.also you have a very nice station. i was just up there a week ago and was very impressed.

best regards

Signed on October 24, 2009 at 11:11 AM
Name: Michele Mitchell
Rank/Title: Retired Fed Gov
Location: Baltimore, Md.

I have been coming to the Gamber Fire House Crab Feast twice a year for three years now, and I realy enjoy the people, food, and the crabs. For all my friends that come from Baltimore I would like to thank you all so much
for the fun and memories.


Signed on March 30, 2009 at 11:13 AM
Name: Brittany Roop
Rank/Title: Miss New Windsor Fire Prevention 2008-2009

I love the website guys!
You have a lot of great announcements and ideas, like the 4-Wheeler Give away and everything else.

Looks great, keep up the good work!

Signed on March 23, 2009 at 3:45 PM
Name: Rick Gamber
Rank/Title: Captain (Ret)
Location: Asheville, NC

Yes, that's my real name. My stepdad's grandfather? great-grandfather? was the postmaster of the local community way long ago and my Dad says the town was named after him. I was a career firefighter in Florida for 20 yrs, retired last year and took a job as a Safety Officer with the US Forest Service in North Carolina. My son and I visited your station about 10yrs ago and was impressed with the change I had seen from a very long time ago.
Keep up the good work and Be Safe.

Rick Gamber

Signed on February 08, 2009 at 8:13 PM
Name: Donald (Bunky) Fringer
Rank/Title: Captain 14
Location: Irishtown Vol. Fire Dept (Adams Co. Pa)

Stopped in to check out how you guys are doing!
Looks great keep up the good work!!!!!!!

Signed on January 18, 2009 at 5:21 AM
Name: Russ Green
Rank/Title: Long Lost (past) Member
Location: Port Orchard, WA

Great web site. My compliments to the web master. Seeing the videos and pictures brought back memories. I was happy to see some faces that I still know and happier still to see all the new faces. It saddens me to see the growing list on the memorial. I know many of those names and my prayers go out to their families. I think the memorial is a wonderful thing. It's comforting to know that my home town is a safer place with you folks doing what you do. Keep up the good work.

Signed on December 12, 2008 at 10:34 PM
Name: FDNY EMS Website
Rank/Title: FDNY EMS Drone
Web Address:
Location: NYC

nice website.

Signed on October 04, 2008 at 6:54 PM
Name: Michael Butler
Rank/Title: FF/EMT-B
Location: Frederick Maryland

On behalf of the Braddock Heights Vol. Fire Co. 12 in Frederick County . We send our deepest condolences to the Lippy family . Your dedication and sacrifice will always be in our hearts . We will never forget . God Bless your brothers and sisters of the BHVFD Co. 12 and the Butler family.

Signed on October 03, 2008 at 9:29 AM
Name: Pastor Wm. Kevin Kerr
Rank/Title: Chaplain
Location: Kent & Queen Anne's Rescue Squad Kent County

On behalf of the officers & members of the Kent & Queen Anne's Rescue Squad, Chestertown, I would like to offer our sincere condolences on the
death of Mickey Lippy. Please know that the Gamber Fire Company, Its members, and the Lippy Family are in our prayers. It is my prayer that many
friends and family will come to Saving Grace through Jesus Christ because of
this tragedy. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. God Bless you
I remain,

Yours in service to our Lord,

Pastor Wm. Kevin Kerr

Signed on October 02, 2008 at 11:35 PM
Name: Brian DeVader
Rank/Title: Master Firefighter/Paramedic
Web Address:
Location: Johnson County Kansas

On behalf of Johnson County Fire District #3, I would like to offer our deepest sympathies on your loss. I have lost someone close to me in the line of duty, so I have an idea about what your department and community are going through. May his loss remind us all of the sacrifices we make to do the job that we do.

Signed on October 02, 2008 at 1:09 PM
Name: Chillum Adelphi Volunteer Fire Department
Web Address:
Location: Prince George's County, Md

The Officers and Members of the Chillum Adelphi Volunteer Fire Department sends our condolenses to the family of Trooper Lippy and the Gamber & Community Fire Company. We will continue to keep your entire family in our thoughts and prayers.

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Website Designed and Hosted By:
Firehouse Solutions
Website Proudly Maintained By:
Gamber & Community
Fire Company

3838 Niner Road
Finksburg, MD 21048
Emergency Dial 9-1-1
Station Phone: (410) 795-3445
Station Fax: (410) 795-0208
Copyright © 2025 Firehouse Solutions (A Service of Technology Reflections, Inc.)